Dear parents,

Jesus once told a parable about four types of soil that received good seed. Only one produced something fruitful. When Jesus works in our hearts, growing our faith in him and producing “fruit,” that’s truly a miracle.

This week we wrapped up our series on Jesus’ miracles by talking about the miracle of spiritual transformation. Jesus called ordinary people to follow him on a journey that developed their character, community, and calling. Imagine what it must have been like for the first disciples to receive that personal invitation from the Lord.

Then again, we receive that same invitation each day. Jesus calls us into a relationship with him. He wants us to grow closer to him and to follow in his footsteps. Truly, we are Jesus’ hands and feet on earth.

To spark conversations about this important topic, sit down with your teenager and go through these questions together:

  • What’s one thing about you that you think Jesus really, really likes?
  • What’s one thing about you that Jesus might want to transform somehow?
  • What kinds of miracles has Jesus worked in your relationship with him?

Thanks for investing in your teenager and his or her faith journey. Let me know how I can serve you in this!