Dear parents,
This week we wrapped up our series on the habits of Jesus. It has been an incredible time diving into the life of Jesus and discovering how his regular habits connect to our own lives. But instead of just looking at the habits themselves, we’ve explored why Jesus practiced each habit.
In this final lesson, we looked at Luke 5:16, where “Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.” It was a powerful lesson seeing how Jesus needed to get away from people and the demands of life—just like we need to do. Jesus withdrew because he was tired, he needed a break, and he needed to refocus.
We also looked at Psalm 139:23-24 for an outline of how we can spend time away with God.
This week, I encourage you to withdraw with your teenager and talk. Consider building your conversation around these questions:
• When do you like to get away?
• What do you do when you take a break from people?
• Even if it isn’t me, do you have someone with whom you can share about these times away?
For more questions to discuss with your students check out our lesson.
Thanks for supporting your teenager and this ministry. Have a blessed week!