Sermons from January 2021

The Meaning of the Lord’s Supper

We often say that the Lord’s Supper is a “symbolic meal.” But what does it symbolize? That’s the question we turn to now in our study through Matthew. In this sermon from Matthew 26:26-29, we consider four forgiveness-related doctrines that are richly illustrated for us in the Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper. Text = Matthew…

The Last Act Begins (Matthew 26:1-16)

As we come to chapter 26 in our church’s study through Matthew, we begin the last act in the great story of God’s salvation. This is what Matthew has been building to since the opening words of the book. As one scholar observed, “The reason for the incarnation begins here. God became human flesh and…

Fire Proof Your Life (Psalm 1)

What does it take to “fire-proof” our lives against the inevitable firestorms that come our way on a fallen planet? To answer this question, we begin the new year with Psalm 1 – one of the Bible’s great pictures of what it really means to be a man or woman who lives under the Lord’s…